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Afraid to Talk About Metaphysics?
I wonder how many people are out there having paranormal or metaphysical or unexplainable experiences and never tell anyone … afraid that others may think they are nuts. I am sure each and every person you have ever met has had something happen to or for them. Like for example, I have a friend. She thinks she may have had a past life in the South (large dress included). She used to have dreams of it. However because of her religious background, she does not think there is such a thing as past … [Read more...] about Afraid to Talk About Metaphysics?
When Someone Dies Before You … Heaven’s Perspective
On Picking a New Lifetime – The Slide Show of Choices
After re-experiencing a past life death, I see the Light. It shimmers in gold and oozes love. I wanted to know more. I wanted to walk in through. One day, not that long ago, I did. I thought it would be hard, but it was not. My fabulous, awesome, loving, patient, (I could keep going) spirit guides led the way. After walking through the light and visiting with the Healing Angels, I walk out into the rest of Heaven. I see gardens and a long walkway. My guides told me that I was only ready to see … [Read more...] about On Picking a New Lifetime – The Slide Show of Choices
When is your time to die? Or, do you choose your Exit Point?
I Missed an Exit Point. What would you do if you were told you just missed one of your predetermined exits from this lifetime? Sylvia Brown says we pick a few exit points for each lifetime. I missed one the summer of 2012. An angel intuitive told me that I was “saved by the scruff of my neck” a few times by my guardian angel, Daniel. My first thought when she told me this was, “Hmmm. Well. I have not really done anything too crazy to put myself in that kind of danger. It probably is because … [Read more...] about When is your time to die? Or, do you choose your Exit Point?
Bienvenue! Bienvenue! French During a Past Life Regression
Today, I had a regression with a little xenoglossy... Okay, I am pretty excited ... If you know me much at all, you know I love France and all things French since I was very young. Through my work with past life regression, I know why ... I had a past life there, quite posh, living in Nice in 1795 AD. I heard a lot more French being said, but I did not understand all of it. Here is what I did understand: On the day I died in that life, my daughter saw my spirit. We made eye contact. I said to … [Read more...] about Bienvenue! Bienvenue! French During a Past Life Regression