I COULD NOT IMAGINE THE DAY. MY BOOK IS FINALLY READY TO ORDER ON AMAZON!!! After three plus years of the emotional work in remembering past lives (with all their intricacies) and writing down all that I could (in a coherent way)! Then, working on building a platform online ...deciding to self-publish after working towards finding a publisher and realizing that it is a boatload of work to get it self-published ... and did it anyway (with some awesome help). I approved it this morning on Amazon … [Read more...] about LIFE Is Just Another Class – One Soul’s Journey Through Past Life Regression
On Finding Your Children from a Past Life…
My Daughter Shares Her Story on National TV…Children can Heal from Remembering a Past Life
What would you do if your daughter remembered being inside the Empire State Building when a plane crashed into it? I listened. My daughter was remembering a past life. In preparing for a flight with her for the first time, she was afraid to fly. So, one evening, using the information I have learned over the years (that kids can spontaneously remember a past life, just by asking them an open-ended question) I asked her, "What do you think will happen if you fly in a plane?" She responded with … [Read more...] about My Daughter Shares Her Story on National TV…Children can Heal from Remembering a Past Life
Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
We have all had some form of déjà vu in our lives. Déjà vu is that strangely eerie feeling that what you are doing has already happened. It is that oddly familiar feeling that you really have done this (whatever it is) already. The other day my daughter and I were in New York City. We took a day to walk around and enjoy whatever we came upon. We walked down one street and I noticed there was a small shop with the name in French which drew me in right away. (I wish I could remember the name of … [Read more...] about Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
Children Can Heal from Remembering a Past Life Too
How Children Can Inspire Us to Learn Metaphysics
In the past life classes I teach and in the radio interviews I have done, I always talk about my daughter. She is the one who inspired me to learn about metaphysics in the first place. (Thank you, sweetheart.) While she was the one who instigated this learning and healing that I have gone through since starting to learn and heal from past life regression, she also has healed through remembering a past life too. Here is the story of how it began for me… After nursing my daughter and laying her … [Read more...] about How Children Can Inspire Us to Learn Metaphysics