I have listened to and learned a lot about “the Secret” – or more commonly: the Law of Attraction. It does work. If you have listened to any of these teachings you will know what I mean when I say: I do get great parking spaces, I get a lot of green lights and I have received unexpected checks.
I have to say that life IS what you make of it.
I have two favorite examples of how the law of attraction has worked for me. I like to use them when I mention the law of attraction or the secret and I get a blank stare. They are fun examples.
Last summer, while reading the paper, there was an article that talked about Pennsylvania’s new litter control program. Pennsylvania sells license plates to help support their “Don’t be a Litterbug” campaign. As soon as I read it, I thought; “They are using ‘litter’ in their campaign and that will only bring more litter under the law of attraction.” If they want to get rid of litter, they need to say something like: “Keep Pennsylvania Clean” or “Neat in PA” – where they are putting the focus on the clean and neat of things. I put the paper down. Reminded myself that this was another example of why I don’t like to read the paper. I would much rather read and hear good, positive news only.
The law of attraction is similar to the law of gravity. If you think it, it will happen. (This is popularly stated as: thoughts become things.) Just as if you drop an apple and it falls due to the law of gravity. It’s the same. It’s a law. (Search Abraham Hicks for more information.)
But, that is not all. The very next day, I noticed a lot more trash blowing and billowing around the sides of the highways and roads as I drove my daughter to acting class. I didn’t remember seeing so much before. More trash the next day. It was on the sides of every road I drove. Okay, this is annoying, people can’t be this disrespectful. I couldn’t help but to notice all the litter.
It took me a few weeks of thinking and focusing on this, then… (A little slow, I know.) I decided to make a concerted effort to only focus on the beautiful trees, grass and flowers along the side of the road. I felt that I was using the law of attraction to attract lots of litter on the road to me, so I had to do something about it. (Thoughts become things… thoughts become things…) The next day, when I drove my daughter to acting class, I barely noticed any litter. Plus, there was a crew of people cleaning up the road in the one section that was the worst. It was like it had disappeared in one day’s time. ONE DAY’S TIME. All I did was decide to put my attention on something positive. I drove to work later and all I could say was, “Shut UP! This really works.” I think I only saw one piece of litter floating around during that hour drive. It was surreal. It was as though I called PennDOT and ordered a massive cleanup of the highways and roads and they listened.
My other favorite example has to do with my daughter. First I have to give you her basic list of very strong loves from her short life so far. She is now 10 and a very girly girl. Since she was little, she always loved the color pink. Her favorite game was Candyland – especially Princess Lolly. (I kept a set of the playing cards to use on her scrapbook pages – she loved it that much.) Her favorite animal is a cat – I don’t even think she has a second favorite animal (we now have two). One of her favorite things to do is dress up in a variety of costumes and dresses. Her absolute favorite thing to do is to draw, which she uses when she draws backdrops and scenery to go with her outfit that day (or that hour). One of her requests is to have a variety of colorful wigs to go with her costumes. And I have to include her love of YouTube. Her first typed word was on YouTube. I’ll bet you can guess it: Kitty. Oh, and she loves, loves, loves to sing and act. She is soooo not afraid to be on a stage.
Now that you know a bit about her… last summer we had the fortunate chance to attend a Katy Perry concert. Katy is very awesome to put it mildly, but the whole time I am sitting there jamming to her music; all I could think about was: this is my daughter’s manifestation of the law of attraction. It was all of her aforementioned “loves” balled up in one nice neat package over the course of one evening. It was stunning. I could not get over the similarities.
Katy’s concert tour (2011) was a multi-media blast of fun. Katy changed her dresses and costumes numerable times and she wore several different wigs to match. I still don’t know how she changed so many times during her Hot and Cold song. The scenery on the stage was a huge Candyland game board with LOTS of pink clouds. Katy had a YouTube-like video playing on large screens in the back of the stage that coordinated with her songs. A little cat was Katy’s little friend in the video. Then at the end of her concert, a person dressed as “Kitty Purry” came out on stage. It was unreal. The whole time all I could think about was how much this concert was meant for my daughter.
UPDATE – I spoke to my daughter about this post later that night. She said, “Hey! You forgot that I love cupcakes and Katy found her happiness in a special cupcake shop in the video at the concert. Remember – I even started the Cupcake Club. And, Katy sold pink cotton candy – and my nick name was Cotton Candy Swirl (when we used to play make-believe)! And, Katy’s concert had pink clouds and pink cats in the concert – I love all those things too!”
I just had to add this update.
What is the law of attraction bringing to you?