I know that those who love us and have passed onto Heaven still watch over and care about us. I believe they are here for us as soon as we think of them.
While I was pregnant with my first child, my son, all three of my last living grandparents became ill. Both of my mother’s parents went before he was born. My grandfather died a few months after my grandmother. I was sad to see them go. I was heartbroken because I could not see them as much as I wanted to because of the restrictions of traveling due to my pregnancy.
My son was born 5-1/2 weeks early via emergency c-section. While I was lying in recovery after his birth, I awoke to see my grandparents’ spirits standing at the bottom of my bed watching over me. I remember smiling. It was really nice to see them. I was not scared at all. I was glad that they stopped by to see that my son and I were doing fine. But, as I looked harder to be sure I was not hallucinating, they faded away.
This was my first instance of seeing that those who pass on still watch over us.
About five years later, I started exploring and re-experiencing my own past lives. This often includes the re-experience of death in a past life. On several occasions I became aware that I watched over my living family even after my death. In a few lifetimes, I realized that my deceased mother watched over and waited for me, (knowing I would die soon) so we could transition into Heaven together. And in a few other lifetimes, I passed over along with a few family members and in spirit we held hands as we entered into the light of Heaven together.
Not only did I experience the love of those who have passed on into Heaven in this lifetime, but through my journeys into my past lifetimes I have seen firsthand that we are there for one another in death as we are in life.