There is so much out there to learn in life.
Why are we here? What is my life purpose? What is my soul’s journey? I think we all have asked these questions of ourselves at some point in our lives.
Physics and common societal teachings constantly correspond:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Do unto others as you would have do unto you
Karma ~ the law that brings back the results of actions to the person performing them
What goes up must come down
We get these lessons from so many angles. It is presented in cartoons, movies, songs, books, etc. Then … you have to be open to understanding the deeper meaning of it all. You may have seen the movie, heard the song or read the book before, but once you are aware there is a deeper message being presented to us – Love one another – then you see and hear it everywhere. It is like an awakening. Then, you start living this way. Performing random acts of kindness, helping someone in need, offering a compliment, etc… it starts to come back to you.
It is like the Law of Attraction. What you put your attention on is magnetically attracted to you. More information on a new subject (you just heard about) is now mentioned on television, heard on the radio, etc. It’s fun and a learning experience all in one. Then, it is easy to see why things are the way they are – you attracted it – the good and the bad.
Using quantum theory: what you expect to happen, happens. That cat comes out of the box alive and well.
I think our life is a – very long and intense – classroom for learning.
What subjects did you choose?
Today I am working on the introduction to my book, Life is Just Another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression. BE THE FIRST TO READ CHAPTER 9 – the story of my lifetime as Howard Duish from the 1600’s. BONUS! I include excerpts from seven additional chapters so you can learn how Howard made an impact in my current lifetime. Register at to receive your chapter and be the FIRST TO KNOW the release date for my book: Life is Just another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression. For more information visit: