Here are TONS of tips for a productive and healing past life regression with a hypnotherapist.
Here are TONS of tips for a productive and healing past life regression with a hypnotherapist. A past life regression is a great way to get in touch with the whole soul aspect of you (your higher self or subconscious) to understand why you do the things you do and to heal on a deep soul level. Keep in mind, your spirit guides have your best interest at heart and will help you throughout the process. Plus, your subconscious will protect you from whatever you are not ready to experience during a past life regression.
How to prepare for a past life regression:
- Realize you are more than just a human and want to heal on a soul level.
- Remember, a past life is always about healing your current life.
- Practice relaxing and meditating. Relax and allow the information to flow.
- Find someone you trust to help you remember a past life.
- Write a list of questions for your past life regressionist or hypnotherapist. They can help you can ask your spirit guides these questions directly.
Tips for a healing past life regression:
- INTENT is key to help you focus on what you want to know or heal. Without an intent, then you might go to a healing space and see morphing colors instead of a past life memory. An example;
- to find any blocks regarding abundance
- root cause to what is preventing you from true love.
- intent could be to learn more about a relationship
- to find any blocks to trusting your intuition
- It will feel like you are still just talking while you are in the meditative or hypnotic state.
- Make sure you record or write down what you remembered right away.
- Trust that first thing you become aware of during a session. You might see an eagle flying, for example, as your first past life memory.
- If you are an empath, you might feel your memories in a past life and not see them.
- You might literally feel someone holding your hand.
- You might see your past life memories, but your memory might come through as if you are looking through binoculars.
- You might hear sounds, people talking, and messages about your past life memory.
- You may just get a knowing on your past life memory.
- You will use aspects of all psychic abilities , so trust your intuition to remember a past life. Most importantly, trust your intuition: Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, Feeling, Smelling, or Knowing, etc.
- Allow the information to come, don’t try to force a memory.
- If you expect a particular past life to come through, it might block other healing past life memories.
- Your spirit guides and angels might want you to heal via other past life memories first.
- Don’t judge, analyze, or compare your memories during a regression.
- You will only remember what you are ready to heal. Most people even skip the death scene.
- If you are just wanting an experience, just set an intent to remember a happy past life.
- Dress comfortably and please eat before a session.
- Always incorporate forgiveness. Forgiveness is so incredibly healing. Ask the angels for help in the healing process.
Be prepared to be patient! Don’t give up on learning more about your whole soul journey!