Yesterday while working on my book, I received a very clear message from my angels that they are around me. How do I know, you ask? Let me tell you … I am writing a book about sixteen of my past lives. In the past few weeks, I have rearranged chapters and added new chapters to better relay what I experienced without interrupting the retelling of each past life. Yesterday, I was working on a chapter called “From the Other Side.” In it, I talk about all the times that I have seen how loved ones … [Read more...] about Angels are Beings of Light that Shine Unconditional Love on Us.
guardian angel
Angels in Our Life
When my daughter was a toddler, she was sick with a fever. This was not usual for her, as she rarely got sick. We were nervous since fevers can be harsh on a small child. The pediatrician said we could give her acetaminophen, but I did not have any in the medicine cupboard for her weight. My husband nervously agreed to watch our two small children while I went to the grocery store to buy more. I had not been out of the house in days, since we had experienced a lot of snow and ice lately. It was … [Read more...] about Angels in Our Life
A Glimpse of Angels from Heaven in a Past Life Regression
This is at the end of my short life as 5 year old Jezebel Alexander. It is 1943, our neighborhood in Eastern Europe has just been bombed… Moments later, we all float up as spirits. We are now above the roof of the apartment. I look out over the burning city and I am amazed to see angels everywhere, filling the sky. I am in awe. There are countless angels and spirits floating above the city. I cry every time I remember this scene. There is so much loving energy coming from the angels, it is … [Read more...] about A Glimpse of Angels from Heaven in a Past Life Regression