Have you ever experienced a relationship that was not working in a positive way or even toxic? Are you looking for the path to healing? How do you move on from this relationship in a spiritual sense .... ie. How do you break the unseen ties that bind you? Maybe you have not moved on yet, but you are looking for help. Maybe this person was not in a relationship with you, but possibly it was a hurtful, bad event (like molestation or rape) and you want to continue to heal from that. We are all … [Read more...] about How to Break Bad Relationship Patterns from this Life and Previous Lives
guardian angel
Angels can Visit Anytime, Any Day… so Much Love
The other morning, I wanted a cup of tea. When I took the time to get it, the experience was so much more. Here is what happened: I walk into the kitchen at work to grab a random coffee cup. When I open the cupboard, I see one that has the angel Raphael on it. It was right in front, almost pushed to the edge, like it was waiting for me. I never saw this coffee cup in the kitchen before and felt it was a message to help remind me that angels are always around us. I poured the hot water from … [Read more...] about Angels can Visit Anytime, Any Day… so Much Love
Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
We have all had some form of déjà vu in our lives. Déjà vu is that strangely eerie feeling that what you are doing has already happened. It is that oddly familiar feeling that you really have done this (whatever it is) already. The other day my daughter and I were in New York City. We took a day to walk around and enjoy whatever we came upon. We walked down one street and I noticed there was a small shop with the name in French which drew me in right away. (I wish I could remember the name of … [Read more...] about Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
Today I was going through my daughter's old drawings and came across one that caught my attention. A lot. I had to share. She had drawn an angel and told me that, this was her "Loving spirit (one of 12 or 13) that came to her to make her feel better and filled her heart with LOVE." I am so glad I wrote it down as she told me. Kids say the most interesting things. My daughter certainly did then and still amazes me today. (I love you darling.) At this point in my life I was not in touch with … [Read more...] about Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
Infants Can Easily Speak to Those in Heaven – A Personal Experience
I have been attending a weekly intuition class for a few months now. Besides the fact that it is awesome, there is the opportunity to have some very intense experiences during class. If you have read any of my blog, you know I have remembered plenty of past lives. One huge lesson I have learned from remembering my past lives is that they have taught me to trust what I see (hear, feel, smell, know, etc.) when I remember. Just so you know, as a baby, we all are so close to having just been in … [Read more...] about Infants Can Easily Speak to Those in Heaven – A Personal Experience
Can My Baby See Guardian Angels?
YES!! YES They Can! Babies are so close to Heaven that they bring with them many of the fabulous gifts we have deep within us... Telepathy - the ability to talk to another person by thought Seeing and talking to Angels Seeing and talking to Spirit Guides, commonly called Guardian Angels Seeing and talking to passed over loved ones Have full control of all the areas of intuition (6th sense) I am sure there are more If new parents and parents-to-be only knew how special their little baby … [Read more...] about Can My Baby See Guardian Angels?